The Marea Tarot

The Marea Tarot – reimagining Crowley’s Thoth Tarot

Most modern Tarot decks are inspired by the work of Pamela Colman Smith and the guiding ideas of Arthur Edward Waite, manifested in the Rider-Waite Tarot deck.
The second most influential modern Tarot deck is Crowley’s Thoth Tarot.
While the first deck was produced in only five months, targeting commercial success, Crowley’s Thoth Tarot was created during five years of struggles and debates considering both esoteric and artistic matters. Aleister Crowley and the talent and perseverance of Lady Frieda Harris left no stone unturned to create an outstanding deck.
Another significant difference is Read more The Marea Tarot

3-card readings 02/17/2025

Three of Disks rev. – Two of Cups rev. – Empress rev.
Culpability – Secrets – Stubbornness

Card of the day: Two of Cups rev.
Time: 11:20 to 12 PM

“Be sensitive about the sensitivity of others.”
Lynn Ujiagbe

– What should you focus on today?
– What secrets are you hiding?
– What secrets are you looking for?

The combination of the reversed Three of Disks and Two of Cups indicates guilt. The reversed Empress suggests you want to keep the secret and carry its burden.
Today, I would like to address another sensitive topic regarding Tarot readings – the interference of the readers’ experiences with the querent’s life.
It’s never the readers’ attribute to tell the querent you should do this or do that.
The reader should only focus on the cards and transmit the information. The querents are responsible for understanding and using the information as they consider it the most appropriate.
We all have different experiences Read more 3-card readings 02/17/2025

Kazanlar Tarot new edition

The Kazanlar Tarot uniquely combines marvellous art with dense, esoteric content. A new edition of the deck is available at, and a guidebook in English or Hungarian can be purchased. It is a must for any true Tarot enthusiast or collector.

Special thanks to Rácz Zoltán and Kazanlár Szilvia Fatima.


#tarot #kazanlartarot #esoterictarot #ecumenicaltarot

Counterfeit plastic problems

At some point, plastic became a huge ecological issue. Plastic bags were floating around the rivers, getting into the oceans, and flying on the wings of the wind all over.
Then, plastic manufacturers came up with this brilliant idea of recycling. Practically, they shift responsibility from themselves to the (innocent) consumers.
Recycling plastic is a joke. It doesn’t work, never did Read more Counterfeit plastic problems

Unified Esoteric Tarot III Winter Solstice

Unified Esoteric Tarot, Winter Solstice 2022

Too early for Christmas? The Unified Esoteric Tarot is back with a twist. An updated, revisited, and rectified edition, with a special livery, will be available exclusively till 10th December 2022.
You can pre-order the deck, your name Read more Unified Esoteric Tarot III Winter Solstice

These Magic decks and their operating systems

Tarot decks

I have often heard people saying about one or another Tarot deck, “oh, that’s so beautiful, I need to have it!”
Although aesthetics are an important component of any product, when it comes to Tarot, it’s not how Read more These Magic decks and their operating systems

Maktub Tarot by Suada Agachi

If you are fond of the Tarot of Marseille, the Maktub Tarot by Suada Agachi is definitively your cup of tea.
The traditional style of the French pattern has been brought to a new life through the guidance of Suada Agachi and by the hands of the Romanian painter Mihai Adrian Răceanu.
The old archetypes have been carefully examined, revisited and recreated. While the original French decks were raw and Read more Maktub Tarot by Suada Agachi


Never say never

After almost three decades of Tarot practice, research and comprehensive study, in 2018, I created and self-published the Unified Esoteric Tarot deck.
The Unified Esoteric Tarot offers a unique method of learning Tarot, Astrology, Numerology, Alchemy and Kabbalah concomitantly and painlessly in a coherent, groundbreaking system while facilitating intuitive and rapid readings.
Each card Read more UET3