For those like me, unfamiliar with crypto, cryptocurrency is a form of digital money powered by cryptography.
It all started in 2008 with Bitcoin. You could use it to Read more Ethereum, an esoteric exploration, part one
For those like me, unfamiliar with crypto, cryptocurrency is a form of digital money powered by cryptography.
It all started in 2008 with Bitcoin. You could use it to Read more Ethereum, an esoteric exploration, part one
Epictetus said that “wealth consists not in having great possessions, but in having few wants.”
I think most people cannot discern between wants and needs. We want things we don’t need, and we need things we don’t want.
For instance, people want enlightenment but are rarely willing to make the effort to get there. Instant gratification is an illusion generated by consumerism and the New Age type of misinterpretation of ancient teachings.
Some people are Read more Winter
There is a common misconception regarding the correlation of seasons with the Suits of the Tarot deck.
People believe that Wands represent spring, Cups summer, Swords autumn, and Disks (Pentacles, Coins) winter.
Perhaps, one of the issues is that Read more The Tarot Suits and Seasons
Too early for Christmas? The Unified Esoteric Tarot is back with a twist. An updated, revisited, and rectified edition, with a special livery, will be available exclusively till 10th December 2022.
You can pre-order the deck, your name Read more Unified Esoteric Tarot III Winter Solstice
The difference between the ordinary and extraordinary is going that legendary extra mile.
Going the extra mile means that one is willing to make a special effort to achieve something.
It also reveals the difference between what is considered “exoteric”, the mundane life of the material world, and what is vaguely called “esoteric” and signifies the intangible “spiritual” world. One can settle for the obvious and tangible or can go the extra mile to discover the hidden. This world, however, is inaccessible for most people.
It took me twenty-five years of research, study and practical experience to have the outlines of my own esoteric system. It was not my intention to create a new system, but I wanted to understand and rectify the existing one. It was a task of backwards-engineering and rediscovering a lost, forgotten and altered system. In that regard, it is not “my system” but the system as it was originally designed. My only merit is walking that extra mile. My instruments were questioning, verifying, comparing, and take nothing for granted. The idea that “everything we know is wrong” haunted me. I always felt that something was not right, but I could not put my finger exactly on what was that. (…)
My first significant breakthrough was discovering what somewhat ironically I called “the God’s formula,” and which is three by four makes twelve. Identifying what the threes are, respectively, the fours throughout all the branches of the esoteric sciences, became my primordial working method. (…)
I published the core of my findings along with my first Tarot deck, the Unified Esoteric Tarot, in 2018.
Full text is available exclusively at https://www.patreon.com/attilakarpathy
The Sefer Yetzirah describes how ‘Yah, Lord of Hosts, God of Israel, the living God, King of the universe, El Shaddai, Merciful and Gracious, High and Exalted, dwelling in eternity, whose name is Holy – He is lofty and holy’ created ‘His universe with thirty-two mystical paths of Wisdom’.
These mysterious ‘thirty-two mystical paths of Wisdom’ are composed by the ‘Ten Sefirot of Nothingness and twenty-two Foundation Letters: three Mothers, seven Doubles and twelve Elementals.’
The Tree of Life’s architecture and the distribution of the twenty-two letters on the Tree differ between the Hebrew and the so-called Hermetic interpretation, respectively it further debated among scholars. The apple of discord Read more The 32 paths of Wisdom in the Kárpáthy-Smith deck
Inspired partly by the Endless Column, and partly by the subtle connection between the cards, the Hexa Tarot is an exclusive alchemical deck.
The Endless Column is Read more Working with the Hexa Tarot
The Tarot of Cyclicity was created both in round and regular edition. Inspired by the classic Rider-Waite-Smith deck and Mandala, introducing Astrology, Numerology, Alchemy, The Fourth Way and Jungian psychology, the Tarot of Cyclicity brings the mysteries of the past to a new dimension and closer to the perception of the modern man.
It is a multifunctional instrument designed for divination, fortune-telling, self-development, intuition improvement and therapy sessions. Read more Tarot of Cyclicity video
It is called Hexa Tarot and it is my newborn brainchild. It is a hex shaped Tarot deck dealing with the alchemical key to Tarot. It will be delivered in a custom tuck box with an eight-sided, accordion printed mini-booklet. Separately there will be a larger book available on Lulu. At the moment I have no clue when I will make it available. As you can see, the cards are not even out of the factory shrink-wrap. Read more Hexa Tarot – preview
The Tarot of Cyclicity was created both in round and regular edition. Inspired by the classic Rider-Waite-Smith deck and Mandala, introducing Astrology, Numerology, Alchemy, The Fourth Way and Jungian psychology, the Tarot of Cyclicity brings the mysteries of the past to a new dimension and closer to the perception of the modern man.
It is a multifunctional instrument designed for divination, fortune-telling, self-development, intuition improvement and therapy sessions. Read more Tarot of Cyclicity