Kazanlar Tarot new edition

The Kazanlar Tarot uniquely combines marvellous art with dense, esoteric content. A new edition of the deck is available at https://kazanlartarot.com/en/, and a guidebook in English or Hungarian can be purchased. It is a must for any true Tarot enthusiast or collector.

Special thanks to Rácz Zoltán and Kazanlár Szilvia Fatima.


#tarot #kazanlartarot #esoterictarot #ecumenicaltarot

The charts of the Seven-pointed Star

NYSE June 07 2023

Many people asked me about how these charts are made or how they should read them.
I can only repeat what I have previously stated repeatedly. It is not one thing but many and how they interplay.
The foundation of these charts is Astrology.
I build upon the astrological chart of Read more The charts of the Seven-pointed Star

Spreads and diagrams

Yearly, hourly, daily, weekly, and monthly spreads and diagrams

“Lucrative dreaming” is a thing of mine.
It goes back to my childhood, long before I had any involvement in esoteric matters.
Often when I was stuck in some “unsolvable” issue during the day, I dreamt the solution over the night in my dreams.
Yesterday I worked for almost the whole day on the yearly reading for somebody. That is a sixteen-cards spread, including the three cards spread for the general vibe, a year card and another twelve cards, one for each month. Read more Spreads and diagrams

Unified Esoteric Tarot III Winter Solstice

Unified Esoteric Tarot, Winter Solstice 2022

Too early for Christmas? The Unified Esoteric Tarot is back with a twist. An updated, revisited, and rectified edition, with a special livery, will be available exclusively till 10th December 2022.
You can pre-order the deck, your name Read more Unified Esoteric Tarot III Winter Solstice

The learning process


The learning process should begin with unlearning and discharging most of the ideas you have accumulated about Tarot, Astrology, Numerology, Alchemy, and Kabbalah. Most likely, at least some of the things you think you know are incomplete or inaccurate.
If you are a newbie, you are in luck! You have the chance Read more The learning process


Never say never

After almost three decades of Tarot practice, research and comprehensive study, in 2018, I created and self-published the Unified Esoteric Tarot deck.
The Unified Esoteric Tarot offers a unique method of learning Tarot, Astrology, Numerology, Alchemy and Kabbalah concomitantly and painlessly in a coherent, groundbreaking system while facilitating intuitive and rapid readings.
Each card Read more UET3

Happy New Year and welcome to 1792


The Astronomical spring begins on the equinox, which is also the first day of the year.
The event’s name derives from Latin and means equal night, giving the impression that day and night are exactly twelve hours long.
The spring equinox is celebrated in cultures and religions worldwide with Read more Happy New Year and welcome to 1792

Introduction to the Karpathy Dream cards

The following fragment is the introduction to my upcoming book about dream interpretation and Cartomancy, the guidebook to my Dream Cards. Enjoy!

Introduction to Dream Cards

“Sometimes, the dreams that come true are the dreams you never even knew you had.”
Alice Sebold

Divination and fortune-telling, foreseeing the future, is perhaps one of the oldest concerns of human beings. Therefore, not surprisingly, humans proved to be highly creative in finding and inventing numerous methods of predicting the future.
The purpose of fortune-telling is Read more Introduction to the Karpathy Dream cards

Esoteric Tarot – The Fool (book)

Esoteric Tarot Series The Fool - Journal and Workbook

I am happy to announce that my new book is published and available!

You can get your copy exclusively from: LULU.com

My name is Attila Kárpáthy, and I’m a tarotolog, mystic, occultist and mixed esoteric artist, writer, poet, painter, photographer, musician and cook from Transylvania. Transylvania with a “T” and not Pennsylvania with a “P” – as often people misunderstood. Still, I do not have werewolf cousins nor vampire aunts, I do not sleep in a casket, and Read more Esoteric Tarot – The Fool (book)

Esoteric Tarot a series of 29 books

Esoteric Tarot Vol 1 and 2

I have this insanely ambitious project to write and publish a series of 29 books about the Esoteric Tarot.
After serious consideration, I concluded that the best size for these books is the standard US Trade, 6×9 inches, respectively 152×229 millimetres.
The first volume is called “Initiatory Manual” and consist of theoretical and practical guidelines about the Tarot and its connection with Astrology, Numerology, Kabbalah, Alchemy, and the Fourth Way. It will be your Read more Esoteric Tarot a series of 29 books