Knowledge and understanding

Understanding and knowledge

Understanding and knowledge
Someone sent me a link to an article about Alchemy, the internet is full of them. Platitudes, I would say, stereotypes, inconsistencies and half-wisdoms for housewife whiches and weekend wizards. As with all the other occult and esoteric topics, most of the available materials are rubbish fake commercial products. The commonly accessible materials are ‘exoteric’ knowledge, as opposed to ‘esoteric’ knowledge, which, by definition, is not at the reach of everyone.
Without an understanding of these matters, it is impossible to discern between fake and real knowledge.
On the other hand, as Gurdjieff noted, “Knowledge is one thing; understanding is another thing. (…) People often confuse these concepts and do not clearly grasp what is the difference between them. Knowledge by itself does not give understanding. Nor is understanding increased by an increase of knowledge alone. Understanding depends upon the relation of knowledge to being. Understanding is the resultant of knowledge and being. And knowledge and being must not diverge too far, otherwise, understanding will prove to be far removed from either. At the same time, the relation of knowledge to being does not change with a mere growth of knowledge. It changes only when the being grows simultaneously with knowledge. In other words, understanding grows only with the growth of being.”
First of all, understanding is interior, while knowledge is exterior – similar to the ‘esoteric’ and ‘exoteric’ concepts.
Secondly, understanding is… More at

Personal counselling and mentoring

Personal counselling and mentoring

Personal counselling and mentoring
Self-development is an on-going and transcending process. By working with the Tarot on daily bases, one can gain guidance and ‘peek behind the scene of life’.
For only $999 per month, one will get Read more Personal counselling and mentoring

General guidance and counselling

General guidance and counselling

General guidance and counselling
Tarot is not a one-shot thing, but a process. A card reading will reveal the snapshot of that moment, but in the very next sequence of time one can step in the other direction, can change its feelings, thoughts, make different decisions and by doing this, the future will be subsequently modified.
For only $100 per month, you will benefit one 10 cards reading every two weeks, respectively, two times a month. Plus Read more General guidance and counselling

Aquarian Hermetic Tarot Black Edition

Aquarian Hermetic Tarot Black Edition 2020

Aquarian Hermetic Tarot Black Edition 2020
It is my pleasure to introduce you the Aquarian Hermetic Tarot, special Black Edition.
Following the pattern of the Aquarian Hermetic Tarot, the Black Edition is a beautiful and classy version, a perfect combination of elegance and content.
Each card features the Zodiac Wheel presenting Read more Aquarian Hermetic Tarot Black Edition

When time is of the essence

When time is of the essence

When time is of the essence

One of the frequently debated issues regarding cartomancy is the determination of time. Nowadays, cartomancers use different, sometimes quite out of the box, methods for determining the time associated with the cards.
It is a common misconception that Suits represent seasons; most frequently Wants are considered to represent Spring, Cups Summer, Swords Autumn and Disks Winter. According to another method, Wands represent days, Swords weeks, Cups months and Disks years. Therefore, Two of Wands may indicate a distance of two days; Five of Swords may refer to something five weeks away; Six of Cups may refer to six months, while Nine of Disks can be nine years distant. Generally, reversed cards are considered to suggest delays.
However, one should bear in mind that not all the Wands represents Spring, not all the Cups represents Summer, not all the Swords represents Autumn and not all the Disks represents Winter. Two, Three and Four of Wands correspond to Aries, which is the beginning of Spring; Five, Six and Seven of Wands represent Leo, which is mid-Summer, while Eight, Nine and Ten of Wands represent Sagittarius, respectively the end of Autumn.
The only cards directly related to the seasons are the Aces and, to some extent, the Kings. Spring, for instance, is composed of three Zodiac signs, Aries – representing Wands (Fire), Taurus – representing Disks (Earth) and Geminin – representing Swords (Air).

Timing, however, is a grey area. It is one of those things Read more When time is of the essence

Bad luck? Formula 1, Vettel and Bottas

Formula One Vettel Bottas

Formula One Vettel Bottas
Hopefully, it will not be considered ‘unsolicited advice’, my intention is to offer a different perspective into aspects most people would overlook or disregard.

I don’t believe in ‘luck’ – not in common-sense anyway.
‘Luck’ is a complex matter of personal choices and circumstances. Most of our choices are mechanical or instinctive, very few are effectively conscious. Circumstances, on the other hand, are the cumulated factors outside of us. Both luck and unluck are somewhat self-made cause from any circumstances, favourable and unfavourable, one should extract the most in its own favour.
Esoteric sciences, such as Astrology, Numerology, Tarot and so on, are at our disposal to Read more Bad luck? Formula 1, Vettel and Bottas

Etteilla’s Book of Thoth

The Book of Thoth aka. The grand Etteila (1804)

The Book of Thoth aka. The grand Etteila (1804)
According to Etteilla, the Tarot was created by a group of seventeen Magi under the direct guidance of Hermes Trismegistus. He wrote in 1783, that he calculated that the Tarot was 3,953 years old. Originally called ‘The Book of Thoth’, engraved on leaves of gold, the foils embellished the altar of a temple.
Papus in ‘The Divinatory Tarot’ associated the Major Arcana cards from Etteilla’s deck based on their Read more Etteilla’s Book of Thoth

The Banned Tarot

The Banned Tarot

The Banned Tarot
Depictions of a sexual nature have existed since the dawn of times. From rock art, the so-called Venus figures and ancient Mesopotamian artefacts depicting explicit sex, humans were drawn to sex and driven by sex.
The Egyptian Turin Erotic Papyrus, probably painted in the Ramesside period, consist of a series of twelve vignettes showing men and women in various sexual positions.
The ancient Greeks and Romans produced much art and decoration of Read more The Banned Tarot

Specitime and the definition of God

Sepher Yetzirah and Tarot

Sepher Yetzirah and Tarot
These sacred texts are always subject of interpretations.

‘Three Mothers: Alef Mem Shin
He engraved them, He carved them,
He permuted them, He weighed them,
And with them He depicted
Three Mothers AMSh in the Universe,
Three Mothers AMSh in the Year,
Three Mothers AMSh in the Soul,
male and female.’

Verse 3:3 from the Sepher Yetzirah reminded me of Read more Specitime and the definition of God