3-card readings 03/20/2025 and Happy New Year

daily-3-card-readings-UET 03.20.2025

Thursday, 3-card readings 03/20/2025 and Happy New Year

Happy New Year!
Welcome, 1795 (aka. MMXXV)!

Admonishment: It’s a long read and quite a lot to digest.

Why March 21 and not January 1? Why 1795 and not 2025?

Long story short, the Sun is at the centre of our solar system, the Earth orbits around the Sun, and roughly 365¼ days taken by the Earth to revolve around the Sun. A year starts on the March equinox, according to astronomy.
The March equinox is Read more 3-card readings 03/20/2025 and Happy New Year

July 2024 (report)

Monthly Charts 07 July 2024

This month’s report will be shorter due to some health issues I struggle with.

Long story short, I have had an odd pain in my left shoulder and arm for over a month now, but I have chosen to ignore it. I thought it was a twisted nerve or some muscular damage due to workout exercises.
However, last week, instead of Read more July 2024 (report)

September’s report

2023 09 September Monthly Charts

People dealing with esoteric matters, especially astrologers, should discuss Zodiac signs, not civil calendar months.
What ordinary people call September is an artificial construction of the end of the first decan of Virgo, the second and third decan of Virgo and the beginning of the first decan of Libra.
So, let’s talk about September, folks!

As I already mentioned, the backdrop of September is Read more September’s report

August report

Monthly Chart August 2023

Before beginning to speak about August, I would like to return to July and talk about trading and retrograde Pluto in Capricorn.
In the past six months, many of my new Patreon supporters have been traders or people interested in mixing trading with esoteric matters.
Some of them complained that they had suffered losses in July, and I am truly sorry about that.
Once again, I’m not involved in trading, and my market knowledge is, at best, pretty limited.
I designed the Wheel charts to assist with working alongside individuals. Recently, I have made adjustments to utilize them for trading purposes. These charts are available in yearly, monthly, and daily formats. And these formats are interconnected, and it is like a zooming-in process. On the yearly chart, you may notice some interesting moments in particular months, while on the monthly charts, you may identify specific days, and in the daily charts, these moments come down to hours and minutes.
However, I recommended cautiousness and patience. Observe these phenomena, and compare the charts with past and present market events.
I would recommend virtual trading for at least one year. Instead of losing real money, operate only on paper for a fixed time, see how it works, which decisions and investments or moves worked out and which didn’t, and learn from your own success and mistakes.
Trading and occultism seem quite similar. They both require patience, training Read more August report

C. C. Zain and the Brotherhood of Light

Many people asked my opinion about C. C. Zain and the Brotherhood of Light, respectively, the system C. C. Zain created and promoted.
First and foremost, nobody holds a monopoly on truth. And by nobody, I mean everybody. Not Claudius Ptolemy, not Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa, not John Dee, not Éliphas Lévi, not the illustrious heads of the Golden Dawn, nor Aleister Crowley, not George Ivanovich Gurdjieff, not Frédéric Lionel, not C. C. Zain, and not me for that matter.
Truth has been shredded and dispersed. We only pick up the pieces and try to put them back together according to the best of our knowledge and understanding. Some of us with more talent and success than others.
I sustain critical thinking, and I believe Read more C. C. Zain and the Brotherhood of Light

Unified Esoteric Tarot and the decan attributions

Unified Esoteric Tarot and the decan attributions

Since its first coming into being, the Unified Esoteric Tarot has constantly evolved.
The most significant change was the astrological reattribution of the thirty-six Numerals.
Long story short, the first decan Read more Unified Esoteric Tarot and the decan attributions

A new chart design, Ethereum, June 4 2023

Ethereum 4 June 2023 new chart design

Last week my main focus was to redesign the Seven-pointed Star charts.

The original charts featured a graphical representation of the concept: the Star of Babylon, the Heptagram (a seven-pointed star), incorporated into my Zodiac-based Tarot Wheel.
I used Read more A new chart design, Ethereum, June 4 2023