May 2023 Report

May 2023

On May 1, Pluto turns retrograde, a phase which lasts until October 11. It moves back into Capricorn in June and will not re-enter Aquarius until January 2024.
The Tarot card associated with Pluto is the Tower. A card of dramatic changes and reshufflings originated from the outside of us. Unexpected changes, losses, and unfortunate Read more May 2023 Report

360 degrees Astrology and the Ten Sefirot

Jacobs ladder

I have several books dealing with 360 degrees Astrology.
Some of these, like Charubel or Antonio Borelli (or Bonelli), were published in the 1800s, others, like Lind Weber, are pretty recent, a work published in 2017. Many of these books may have older roots and known or unknown sources.
While these works are Read more 360 degrees Astrology and the Ten Sefirot

Spreads and diagrams

Yearly, hourly, daily, weekly, and monthly spreads and diagrams

“Lucrative dreaming” is a thing of mine.
It goes back to my childhood, long before I had any involvement in esoteric matters.
Often when I was stuck in some “unsolvable” issue during the day, I dreamt the solution over the night in my dreams.
Yesterday I worked for almost the whole day on the yearly reading for somebody. That is a sixteen-cards spread, including the three cards spread for the general vibe, a year card and another twelve cards, one for each month. Read more Spreads and diagrams

Unified Esoteric Tarot III Winter Solstice

Unified Esoteric Tarot, Winter Solstice 2022

Too early for Christmas? The Unified Esoteric Tarot is back with a twist. An updated, revisited, and rectified edition, with a special livery, will be available exclusively till 10th December 2022.
You can pre-order the deck, your name Read more Unified Esoteric Tarot III Winter Solstice

Dematerialisation – physical death

Tarot Death

Let’s talk about… death.

  • When am I going to die?

Some schools of thought believe that the moment of death is predetermined; as a result, it is also predictable. We tend to think that even eternity has a beginning and an end.
‘When I am going to die’ is the sort of question one should never ask. Some affairs concern humans and others are mysteries with reason. Some veils should not be lifted, and mysteries that not be touched. Sometimes people forget these simple, common sense laws and want to reach beyond their limits. Thus, death is inevitable, but the moment of death is unpredictable.
In the Western astrological tradition, for example, Saturn crossing the Read more Dematerialisation – physical death

The non-binary nature of the Tarot


The dualistic point of view dominates our world and perception.
Yet, no matter how hard they tried to alter reality, the triple character of things remained unchanged in nature and has been preserved in the forms of various concepts and laws.
The Christian Church has the Holy Trinity. Trinity means three. By the Holy Trinity we mean Read more The non-binary nature of the Tarot

The learning process


The learning process should begin with unlearning and discharging most of the ideas you have accumulated about Tarot, Astrology, Numerology, Alchemy, and Kabbalah. Most likely, at least some of the things you think you know are incomplete or inaccurate.
If you are a newbie, you are in luck! You have the chance Read more The learning process


Never say never

After almost three decades of Tarot practice, research and comprehensive study, in 2018, I created and self-published the Unified Esoteric Tarot deck.
The Unified Esoteric Tarot offers a unique method of learning Tarot, Astrology, Numerology, Alchemy and Kabbalah concomitantly and painlessly in a coherent, groundbreaking system while facilitating intuitive and rapid readings.
Each card Read more UET3

Happy New Year and welcome to 1792


The Astronomical spring begins on the equinox, which is also the first day of the year.
The event’s name derives from Latin and means equal night, giving the impression that day and night are exactly twelve hours long.
The spring equinox is celebrated in cultures and religions worldwide with Read more Happy New Year and welcome to 1792