In the name of…


There is a significant yet generally overlooked aspect regarding the oldest known Tarot deck, the Visconti Tarot: the Major Arcana cards did not have any captions, and no names nor numbers were featured on them.
It is quite an odd feature if we accept the mainstream theory that these cards were primarily designed for entertainment and playing various card games.
Most scholars Read more In the name of…

C. C. Zain and the Brotherhood of Light

Many people asked my opinion about C. C. Zain and the Brotherhood of Light, respectively, the system C. C. Zain created and promoted.
First and foremost, nobody holds a monopoly on truth. And by nobody, I mean everybody. Not Claudius Ptolemy, not Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa, not John Dee, not Éliphas Lévi, not the illustrious heads of the Golden Dawn, nor Aleister Crowley, not George Ivanovich Gurdjieff, not Frédéric Lionel, not C. C. Zain, and not me for that matter.
Truth has been shredded and dispersed. We only pick up the pieces and try to put them back together according to the best of our knowledge and understanding. Some of us with more talent and success than others.
I sustain critical thinking, and I believe Read more C. C. Zain and the Brotherhood of Light

The Devil we don’t know

The Devil we don't know

“Better the devil you know than the devil you don’t,” meaning that, when forced to decide, it’s better to choose a difficult or undesirable option that one is used to or familiar with rather than an unknown person or thing.
The devil you know is something or someone bad, unpleasant or uncomfortable that you are familiar with and have accommodated yourself to or can cope with.
The devil we don’t know represents our unconscious fear of the unknown and anything that is new – unfamiliar.

There are several Tarot cards that most readers Read more The Devil we don’t know

Unified Esoteric Tarot and the decan attributions

Unified Esoteric Tarot and the decan attributions

Since its first coming into being, the Unified Esoteric Tarot has constantly evolved.
The most significant change was the astrological reattribution of the thirty-six Numerals.
Long story short, the first decan Read more Unified Esoteric Tarot and the decan attributions

The charts of the Seven-pointed Star

NYSE June 07 2023

Many people asked me about how these charts are made or how they should read them.
I can only repeat what I have previously stated repeatedly. It is not one thing but many and how they interplay.
The foundation of these charts is Astrology.
I build upon the astrological chart of Read more The charts of the Seven-pointed Star

Ethereum and the seven-pointed star

Ethereum Daily charts MAY 22 2023

Many people asked what is the seven-pointed star and what we can do with it.
While I have created this tool, the man who gets the most out of it is Matt. Therefore, I would suggest to follow him on Twitter @insidethecandle and join his exclusive Discord Read more Ethereum and the seven-pointed star

May 2023 Report

May 2023

On May 1, Pluto turns retrograde, a phase which lasts until October 11. It moves back into Capricorn in June and will not re-enter Aquarius until January 2024.
The Tarot card associated with Pluto is the Tower. A card of dramatic changes and reshufflings originated from the outside of us. Unexpected changes, losses, and unfortunate Read more May 2023 Report